Monday, September 26, 2011

Random Star 4 lifegroup!

Im in ipoh! =)
home sweet home~ 
But before i go back to my lovely home, 
Me and my church friends, *also name as Star 4, which is my group, went to watch Johnny English Reborn!!

Laugh from the beginning till the end! haha! 
This movie is super funny! *thumbs up!
I guess i dont have to explain about the movie *i bet most of you watched it or already read about it from ur friends blog? haha

After we finished the movie, 
then went for dinner with my mummy in Restaurant Ipoh~
haha.. my mum's favorite restaurant.. *paiseh, no picture =P

well.. i guess my 3 weeks holiday wont be just that boring huh?
will update more about my holiday and i promise to post pictures next time! *i know its boring without pictures =P

will be active in blogging! 
so please support har~ =P
oh ya~ i had new layout for my bloggie! ^^ cool? XD

actually i had lots of things to write..
my brother's wedding la.. sister's steamboat nite la.. and so on..
but im so lazy!==
sorry lah~ i try my best to overcome my laziness la k? ^^

oh ya! i change laptop dy~ muahaha~
change to sony vaio * dont know what model. i know im noob in laptop thingy..
its in blue! quite nice la.. too bad it is not that new.. i exchange with mummy ger la.. =P

alrite, thats all for now! =)
Wish all of u a great day ahead and GOD BLESS!! =))

ps: don't pollute my trust for you. =)


i trusted u with all my heart.
but what u did.
u are not being honest to me.
and this irritates me alot.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

end of year 2 trimester 1.

as i always said,
time passed really fast!!
its holiday AGAIN!!
seriously, i feel so old now =P

anyway, back to my exam period..
exam was ok~
*confirm wont fail this time!! XD
cuz i got study ma.. haha..

hopefully wont get C this trimester..
well.. i gave my best, therefore, let God do the rest..
hope my CGPA can boost up lo.. XD

This picture was took on my last day of exam ^^

anyway, to all UTAR students who are worrying the results,
just want to say, "dont worry!! when you gave ur best, u will surely get good results!"

where else for those who are enjoying holiday, HAPPY HOLIDAY!!
* those who still worry, relax and enjoy the holiday ya! <3

Friday, September 2, 2011

full stop.

Finally. the day still comes.

still, we need to face all this problems.
i knew it from the start. everything doesn't goes on the way we want.

1 and the half years.
you can say that im selfish. 
but what i do is best for everyone.
maybe not now, but for future.

you might not understand, but one day, 
one day you will understand.

no one knows what will happen in the coming 1 and the half years.
only God knows.