Thursday, January 20, 2011

Future? U will never know..

I have this sudden impulse to write about this.. FUTURE..

"What will happen in my future?"
Did you ever ask yourself this question?
I bet everyone does..
No one will ever get to know what's our future will be..
Only GOD knows..

Ya.. You. God have a great plan for you too.
I believe in future, you will get to reflect back what you do now..
If you work hard now in any areas, in future you will see the outcome of working hard now..
You might suffer, but you will think that it is worth doing it.
Same to if you choose to rest now and do nothing about your future,
You will suffer next time( most probably) and then reflect back on the days you were resting and do nothing about your future..and start to regret.

Let's start to work hard for your future..
The future is in your hand..
Although God have a plan for you, but still, its your choice to choose the way..
Sometimes we will complain and say that you dont care about anything in future,
But friends, iszt worth to complain and give up?
Why dont we spend the time in thinking of how to improve rather then spend your time complaining this and that?

Let's learn together..
Everyone is still in the learning process.=)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The reason I believe.

 "Why did you choose to believe when you cant even see it?" asked by someone.

Friends, did you ever ask yourself this question? Or being ask by this question?
Asking yourself why you believe in something that you cant "see" with your bare eyes?
Pondering why would you believe even when you cant "hear" it with your bare ears?
Some of us will say this, "Because I feel it. Thats why I believe."
Some of us might say this, "Hmm.. I believe because people say about it."
Some of us will might say, "Everyone believe mah! Thats why i choose to believe lo!Haha!"

Its like the wind.
Why will you believe that it exist?
Because you feel it with your physical body.
When the wind blows, you feel it, right?
Thats why you know that in this world, wind exist.

But one thing that I believe here is more powerful than any other things..
I not only "feels" it, but i also "sees" it and "hears" it. And "tastes" it too.
You might be wondering what is this.
Its not ice-cream, not chocolate or Ramlee burger..
I said that i "feels" it, "sees" it, "taste" it and "hears" it,
But I did not use my physical body to feel it,
Physical eye to see it.
Or physical ear to listen or hear it.
What i use is my HEART.

Yes, my heart.
Do you know that your heart can actually feel, listen, see, and even taste?
What you need to do is just to open your heart so that it can see, hear,taste and feel.
If u hide it, how can it do it?

Another thing that help me to continue believe is by FAITH.
Yes. By faith.
When you believe this things do exist, u just believe it. By faith.
As simple as ABC.
Although some of us can be easily stumble by what others say, but still, your faith is there.
And how to restore the FAITH?
Is by opening your heart again to feel, see, hear and taste the TRUTH once again.

There is one thing that i BELIEVE and it will last FOREVER.
I BELIEVE in JESUS. The Mighty Lord who gave His ONE AND ONLY SON to die for us 2000 years ago. 

I BELIEVE because I can feel His presence.
I BELIEVE because I can taste His great love and blessings
I BELIEVE because I can see the great works that He had done for us.
And I BELIEVE because I heard Him saying "My child, I LOVE YOU."


Monday, January 17, 2011

The choice is in your hand.

In this brand new 2011, my thoughts changed.
I still remember last year i was still so immature, wasting my precious time.

That night, i made this decision to change my life.
I promised myself and to God that i will turn to be more mature.
This is life.. everyone are growing.. or maybe not all..
But its your choice.. Grow? Or remain silent.

I cant believe that I'm trying to discipline myself now..
It never happen to me before.
But in this new year, it did.
Wake up early in the morning, do some meaningful things.
Preparing myself before attend class.
Planning for this brand new year.
And live in real life more than in the fake world "facebook".

This is real..
When you choose to do something for your life, you can do it.
Because you have the heart to do so.
If you choose to give up, u failed. But if you choose to go on, u are near to success.